Collecting data from Integral Ad Science#
This guide explains how to collect data from Integral Ad Science. To learn how to collect data from a different data source, go back to the Available data sources in Adverity overview.
For a list of the fields that you can collect from Integral Ad Science, see Integral Ad Science.
Creating a datastream to collect data from Integral Ad Science#
The basics of creating a datastream to collect data from any data source are explained in our guide to Collecting data in Adverity. This guide contains information about the specific steps to create a datastream to fetch data from Integral Ad Science.
Configuration: Choose the data you want to collect from Integral Ad Science#
To choose what data to collect and customize the Integral Ad Science datastream configuration, follow these steps:
(Optional) Rename your datastream.
In Report type, select the type of data to collect from Integral Ad Science. The selected report type determines the additional fields to populate. To collect data on custom metrics, select Performance Report.
In Teams, Media partner, Campaigns, and Placements, select the teams, media partner, campaigns, and placements for which to collect data. If you do not select any items in a drop-down list, Adverity collects data for all items in the drop-down list.
In Dimensions and Metrics, change the list of fields that you want to see in your data extract. If you collect data for the report type Performance Report and also a quality impression metric, select Total tracked ads in Metrics. For more information on collecting data on quality impression metrics, see Configuring data collection of quality impression metrics.
(Optional) In Custom metric id, enter the ID of the custom metric on which to collect data. For more information on collecting data on Integral Ad Science custom metrics, see Configuring data collection of custom metrics.
For information on configuring other Integral Ad Science fields, see Advanced Integral Ad Science tips.
What’s next?#
Apply Data Mapping to your collected data to harmonize data collected from different sources in Adverity.
Transform your data to meet your needs by creating and applying transformations to your datastream.
Load your data into Explore & Present to visualize your data in Adverity.
Load your data into an external destination of your choice.
Troubleshooting Integral Ad Science#
My Integral Ad Science token is only valid for 7 hours#
This is not a problem. Integral Ad Science tokens are updated when you fetch data from Integral Ad Science. If the existing token has expired, a new token is automatically generated. You do not need to take any action if you see this message in Adverity.
Advanced Integral Ad Science tips#
Configuring data collection from Integral Ad Science#
In the Settings tab of your Integral Ad Science datastream overview, you can configure a number of additional settings:
Depending on what you select in Report type, different fields are available.
- Type
Select the type of videos about which to collect data.
- Video IDs input type
Select one of the following options:
Select None. Data for all videos will be retrieved to collect data on all videos.
Select Type In to manually add the video IDs about which to collect data. Add the video IDs below in the Video IDs field. Add each video ID to a new line.
Select Value Table to add the video IDs about which to collect data from a value table. Select the value table below in the Video IDs field. For more information about value tables, see Creating |value table|s.
- Format
Select the format of posts for which to collect data.
- Inventory type
Select the inventory types for which to collect data. If you do not select any items in a drop-down list, Adverity collects data for all items in the drop-down list.
- Date breakdown
Select the time frame in which the data is returned.
- Threshold condition
(Optional) Enter a minimum threshold for the metric Total tracked ads. Adverity only collects data where the Total tracked ads value is higher than the minimum threshold.
- Exclude quality criteria geo
Select this checkbox to exclude the quality criteria geo for quality impression metrics.
- Exclude quality criteria viewability
Select this checkbox to exclude the quality criteria viewability for quality impression metrics.
Configuring data collection of quality impression metrics#
The list of the quality impression metrics is as follows:
% Non quality: failed brand safety
% Non quality: IVT
% Non quality: not viewable
% Non quality: Out of geo
Eligible ads for quality impressions
Eligible rate for quality impressions
Failed brand safety ads
Invalid traffic ads
Non-quality ads
Non-quality blocked ads
Non-quality rate
Not viewable ads
Out of geo ads
Quality impressions
Quality impressions rate
Total Tracked Ads
If you select a quality impression metric in the Metrics field, you can choose the following in the datastream configuration:
To exclude the custom criteria set for the quality impressions of geo targeting, select Exclude Quality Criteria Geo.
To exclude the custom criteria set for the quality impressions of viewability, select Exclude Quality Criteria Viewability.
Configuring data collection of custom metrics#
To collect data on custom metrics, perform all of the following actions:
Contact your Integral Ad Science representative to determine the ID and the name of the custom metrics.
Select the report type Performance Report in the datastream configuration.
If you use viewability metrics in the calculation of the custom metric, select the viewability metrics that you use in the Metrics field. The list of viewability metrics is as follows:
Eligible ads for viewability measurement
Measured ads
Measured rate
Not viewable ads
Not viewable rate (out of measured ads)
Unmeasured ads
Unmeasured rate
Viewable impressions
Viewable rate (out of measured ads)
In Custom metric id, enter the ID of the custom metric on which to collect data.